
Tag 132 - Do you want an "m"?

Published: 16.03.2018

If it weren't so sad, you could laugh about it. For several days now, I have been trying again and again to bring Isaac closer to the letter "m" so that he still knows it the next day. "Isaac, which letter is this?" - "The "i"?" - And then he rattles off more letters that he has heard before. He can't even remember it for two minutes. Since Luis is also at his wit's end, I have taken a few steps back today. In Isaac's notebook, the syllables ma, me, mi, mo, mu are now written in oversized letters. He has to trace the letter "m" with red crepe paper crinkles, i.e. stick it on, and the vowels with yellow ones. In between, I can't help but ask him about these few letters. At some point, he should remember them! But he only makes lucky guesses. He needs professional help, not my amateurish attempts as a teaching assistant. I am frustrated, but Isaac doesn't seem to be bothered at all.

Tomorrow morning, I will head north to Matagalpa. Only 27 degrees in the shade during the day!
