
Tag 103 - Untitled

Published: 15.02.2018

During the readings and concerts, there are about 500 chairs in front of the stage, all labeled with the same handwriting using a marker. I don't know who "Flamingo" is. Maybe it's the poor guy who had to mark the chairs?

Today, nothing much comes to my mind. Let's see: this morning, I went for a half-hour run at six-thirty, made a few phone calls after breakfast, did my homework for Spanish class, then drove to the project on my pink horse. Had lunch there. Three hours of classes, then spent an hour practicing math with Xiaomera. Uiih, she's about twelve, can count fairly well up to 100, but can't do 2 minus 1 in her head. Seriously. I was a bit surprised, need to think of something by tomorrow. At six, I have yoga, then I'm going to Anthony Matthews, the popular singer from the Caribbean coast. I don't know if he's good at math. But according to Adam Riese, he's already 67 and he looks great for his age. Then I'll write a blog. Hey, wake up! Here comes the weather:

Temperature 30 degrees, clear sky, with lively winds from the east.
