
A day full of innovative projects

Published: 15.05.2024

Today we were at Caritas International again. An employee told us about "Social Services", a general advice center that is open to all citizens. It is mostly visited by people with a migration background. An interesting aspect is that, together with network partners (Move Coalition), it is responsible for monitoring the work of the detention centers (deportation prisons). We were then presented with two innovative projects.

  1. Community Sponsorship: The idea behind it is to provide people from a resettlement program with intensive support from local volunteers for a year after their arrival, to prepare them for independent living and to support them in their local integration.
  2. Other Talk on Migration: The aim is to change the narrative about migration. As part of the project, a brochure was produced as a guideline for volunteers and training for teachers to support discussions on the topic of migration.

At the end of the day, there was a shared lunch with colleagues on site, which was once again used for lively exchange.

Many thanks to the staff of Caritas International / Belgium, who have put together a varied program for us over the last three days on the topic of migration.

Of course, sightseeing is a must. Today we went to see Brussels' landmark: the Atomium.
