
2 days in DoHa's world

Published: 25.06.2022

Sense, madness or insanity

Report on the DoHa Rad`n Roll 2022 on the occasion of my 2-stage accompaniment of the two protagonists.

 Capturing the myriad impressions in this 'unreal world' in words is difficult. Therefore, only a few unsorted thoughts in keywords:

'WE WERE EXCITED' to be able to meet at Point Alpha, coming from West and East.

'WE CRIED' in Billmuthausen, a village that was flattened by people (!?), expertly called 'demolished'. It was too close to the border.

'WE ENJOYED' the pizza, innovatively topped with asparagus and bechamel sauce in Günthers, a 'hard to reach' district of the city of Tann.

'WE WERE DESPERATE' to find a store or an open restaurant in a distance of 50km to free ourselves from our food supplies.

 'I WAS SUFFERING' when I had Harald's truck only about 50 meters between my legs as a test.

'I WAS ASHAMED' to ride comfortably over the ups and downs of the Rhön with an 8kg bike and a 3kg backpack.

'I ADMIRED' the consistency and discipline with which the two of them motivated themselves every day. It was day 17+18 without a rest day.

'I WAS EXCITED' to see how mountain flea Dominique dominated the mountain and how our oh so experienced Riemenharry let it run at the end of the day.

 Conclusion: A tour that challenges you emotionally as well as physically. 'GREAT SPORT' the weight-related (+19 or +22kg) performance WATT per KILOGRAM reaches top values in cycling and my highest respect. Thanks to the 9Euro-Ticket and of course DoHa, I was able to be part of 2 days and (ridiculous) 200 km on the EuroVelo 13.
