

Published: 30.05.2024

Today we waited for the rain to come and patiently endured it. Reading, going to the sauna and looking out to sea is also nice. Everyone has finished their third book, so we can swap again. Since we are here for three full days again, we can spend one of them like this. It is not a bad idea to have at least one buffer day. The weather app showed that the sun would slowly come out from 2 p.m. and that is exactly what happened. You can't ruin the day before the evening has even gone by. For the afternoon we planned a hike through the town, to the natural pools and to the fishing port. 7 km adds up quickly. At the fishing port we had salad with salmon and octopus salad, among other things. We were back after 3 hours. Because of the ups and downs of the route, you know at the end what you have done.
