
Mittwoch 27. Sep. 2023 Salceda - Pedrouzo

Published: 27.09.2023

Today was the penultimate stage of our Camino. Tomorrow we're going to Santiago de Compostela, we're all full of expectation and anticipation. We had breakfast in peace and leisurely started today's very short 11km stage. The destination was Pedrouzo, here there is a small church that houses a huge shell in its choir. We also wanted to come down from the comparatively long distances so far so that we could tackle tomorrow's final stage stronger.

Answer (1)

So schöne Bilder. Danke, dass wir euch begleiten durften. Ich wünsche euch eine tolle letzte Etappe und ein unvergessliches Ankommen in Santiago de Compostela. Genießt den letzten Tag.