
9.10.2016 Newcastle - Alnwick - Edinburgh

Published: 09.10.2016

After a surprisingly peaceful night, we have a leisurely breakfast in the morning. Again, we are greeted with a really good breakfast buffet and we already feel like we're on vacation. The weather is still glorious. As we arrive in Newcastle, the sun is shining.

The three girls in the sunshine
The three girls in the sunshine

We disembark from the ferry and soon find ourselves on our way to Alnwick Castle, our first destination for today. It is the seat of the Duke of Northumberland and has served as a filming location for Harry Potter and Downton Abbey, among others.

The weather is beautiful when we arrive there and the castle is truly worth seeing. From the outside, it looks like a medieval castle and from the inside, it is an Italian grand palace! Many famous Harry Potter scenes were filmed here, including the scene where Harry's class learns to ride on a broomstick. Unfortunately, photography is not allowed inside the castle, but I managed to take a few pictures from the outside.

I will also post a few pictures from the inside, even though they were not taken by me. Just so you can get an idea of the magnificent interior!

We continue our journey from Alnwick to Edinburgh. We pass by this church here (Glencorse Old Kirk), but unfortunately, we can't visit it. It is on private property and the gate is locked. And unfortunately, there is no one nearby who could have let us in! So it will only remain in our memories from 'Outlander'. But it is very beautiful!

Now we are at the Morton Hall campsite. It is located right in Edinburgh and there is a bus leaving from the site every 10 minutes until midnight. Tomorrow, we will explore Edinburgh!
Answer (2)

1998 war ich mit einer Freundin in Schottland. Unsere Rundreise startete in Edingburgh. So beeindruckend! Ganz viel Spaß ihr drei und genießt die Zeit...Schottland ist einfach so magisch....(deshalb wurde HP bestimmt auch dort gedreht....;-) )

Stimmt... die erste Flugstunde auf Besen... :) Und was für prächtige Räume... man kann sich richtig das Leben dort vorstellen. Stilvolle Dinner im grünen Salon, ein Whiskey in der Bibliothek.... schade dass die Häuser nur noch angeschaut werden, aber nicht mehr mit Leben gefüllt sind. Man spürt richtig die Geschichte. Ich wünsche Euch weiter ganz tolle Eindrücke. freue mich schon auf den nächsten Blog....