
Great Adventure Chile

Published: 24.02.2022

Now it is February 24th, and we are back from Chile. Since we often didn't have internet there, I will gradually let you participate in our journey.

The departure from Lima and the arrival in Santiago only in bullet points:

- to enter the airport building in Lima, show passport and ticket

- at the counter: current negative PCR test; proof of health insurance and proof that at least $30,000 will be covered for return flight costs in case of illness; Chilean recognition of German vaccinations (pase de movilidad, which was difficult to obtain); sworn statement from the traveler for the entry requirements; passport;

- repeated checks of passport and boarding pass in between (4 times)

Arrival in Santiago:

- first checkpoint: verification of all documents like when checking in; the declaration of entry requirements had expired and had to be filled out again with the friendly support of an employee; there we received a check card

- at another point/terminal, enter passport number and name electronically, received another electronic receipt there

- next line: receipt was signed with a new number for the repeat PCR test

- test execution, handing out a paper to access the test result with the corresponding code the next day and to submit a daily health report for 10 days

- passport control with address where we will stay

- complete baggage check before the exit (fruits and food are not allowed to be imported); there was a certificate missing from the previous stand, but we were still let out

- only private transport to the specified address; quarantine there until the negative test result. All roommates also in quarantine.

Access to the necessary websites for the daily health report also took a lot of time, as nothing worked right away. The negative PCR test came the next morning at 9:30!

If the health report is missing once, you will receive a reminder and the pase de movilidad may become invalid.

The bureaucracy accompanied us the whole time in Chile; much of it was only possible online and took a lot of time.

But first of all we had arrived, and we were amazed at how Santiago had changed. A completely different cityscape than in Lima. Franzisco lives in an upscale area, and we enjoyed the 1.5 days there very much.
