Kerala - Ayurveda
Kerala - Ayurveda

Friday, January 11

Wotae: 11.01.2019

How do I become an early riser?

Well, quite simple! Somehow it's better here than at home. Funny thing. But I'm glad. Because from today on I have an adjusted schedule: 7:15 am breakfast, 7:45 am consultation, 8 am massage, 11:15 am yoga, then lunch and sweet idleness until I go to the reception in the evening, now (5:30 pm), to benefit from the gods of the internet world and supply you with my experiences.

The beginner's yoga was so much better than yesterday! My goodness, what a difference a teacher can make. Same location, many more people (13 plus the teacher) and much more fun and relaxation. She speaks a bit softly (or maybe it's just because I plopped down on the mat in the back row... I promise to work my way to the front over the weeks!) but the instructions are simple and nice and slow. She also has a sense of humor and somehow an aura that really grabs me. I'm looking forward to the next 3 weeks with her. Although tomorrow and the day after tomorrow she has a day off. God forbid! Hopefully, we don't get the guy from the afternoon class! His voice is so high that it hurts and it's anything but relaxing. On the contrary. He annoys me so much that I can't concentrate on the essential things! Besides, he speaks half-singing (oops, now he's passing by the reception - karma?) and it seems to me that he thinks he's a real, old, wise guru or something. Sorry but this is my personal feeling about him... and then I'd rather not do beginner yoga anymore than with him.

Today it is noticeably 'cooler', or let's call it 'less warm', than yesterday. I even have the impression that it's cloudy now. Maybe the cold comes from the snow in the Indian mountains! lol
In any case, it's much more pleasant and I'm enjoying my free afternoon on my mini terrace, on my lounger, and with my TABLE! Yes, times and wonders do happen as they say! But I think it's more by chance. I was just lying, absorbed in my soon-to-be-finished second book, on the lounger. The cat is again next to me and the crows above me when the two cleaning fairies come from the side through the bushes (there is a very, very short path from the neighbor's bungalow to mine. But they prefer to come straight through the bushes!) with the neighbor's table in their hands. Ah, so now the next one has a problem, I think and thank them. Hihi.

Speaking of animals: this morning a monkey climbed a palm tree. Right next to the hospital where I was waiting for the therapist. It seems to have been a small sensation. Just like the way the staff reacted. I also have a gecko in my room and had a monster cricket right by my door. So it's really animalistic here! lol

You definitely have to take a look at the photo of my safe! That's quite something! I just say: burglars, watch out and download the user manual for this model from 1900! Otherwise, you won't stand a chance to crack it! Indian security standards are notorious! Pha or something...

The boss in the restaurant (a former cook who doesn't skimp on good refinement tips, like sprinkling lemon juice on the dal) told another guest that there is even a peacock here. Well then, I'm curious if I can also get a picture of the same one.

Tomorrow I have a plan when it comes to photography. I will get up even earlier and position myself at the beach at 6:30 am (after sunrise) or possibly just down at the hill in the hotel and watch the fishermen return and pull in their nets after the long night shift out at sea. You can hear them cheering each other on all over the hotel every morning. Bruno (the guests from Switzerland who have already left) told me it must be quite a spectacle. And in the evening, I'll be there again to watch the tractor (yes, you read that right!) at the beach doing its work: pushing the boats from the beach into the sea. Or rather, pushing them up to the shore so that a horde of men can push the relatively large boats into the water at the right moment. Bruno also told me that. Smile
The countless fishing boats already confused me on the first evening. But back then I didn't know what all the lights along the coast were. It really looked like an opposite shore with illuminated houses and streets! However, as far as I have the map under control, this is impossible. Because here there is no 'other side'! In the meantime, I know that they are lit boats. Well, learning something new every day.

Oh yes, the promised details about my continued therapy will have to wait a bit longer. Today the program was the same as yesterday. ((I hate to open my eyes!!! And now I get to enjoy this treatment every day. More than 20 times! Yayyy!!!))
The only exception was that the stamps (cloth bags filled with something like rice or so) were not steamed like before, but dipped in warm oil and then in an herbal powder. It was pleasant and it seems that tomorrow there will be the same treatment again.
