އޮސްޓްރޭލިއާ އެވެ

ދަތުރުފަތުރުގެ ވާހަކަތަކެވެ އޮސްޓްރޭލިއާ އެވެ

އެންމެ ރަނގަޅު ދަތުރު ވަގުތު އޮސްޓްރޭލިއާ އެވެ

އޮސްޓްރޭލިއާ އެވެ ހައިލައިޓްސް

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we-in&around Broome

November 17 - West Coast Australia: Kimberleys, Broome

we-in-Kimberley (West Australia)

November 17 - Nord-Westküste Australien: Kimberleys, Kangaroo Sanctuary, Kununurra, Bungle Bungle (...

we-in-Australia Northern Territory

November 17 - North-west coast of Australia: Darwin, Kakadu NP, Edith Falls

All full of sand

When we left Airlie Beach, the next destination was Rockhampton...