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އޮސްޓްރޭލިއާ އެވެ ހައިލައިޓްސް

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Goodbye City - welcome Outback

The Uluru at sunset - the photo is not edited!!!

Gold Coast & Helpx Experience

Airbnb accommodation in Clear Island Waters

we-at-Fraser Island

December 17 - East-Coast QLD Australia: the City of 1770 (Agnes Water), Fraser Island, Noosa(-ville)

Work, work, work...

We have been in Brisbane for 6 weeks now, and our everyday life has mainly been shaped by work. It.....

we-at-Great Barrier Reef & Whitsunday Islands

December 17 - East-Coast QLD Australia: Daintree River, Jungle, Cairns, Whitsundays (Islands), Arlie...