ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 26.03.2020
Whatipu Campground, Piha Beach
To make our birthday boy Arnd happy, Nicola and Eileen secretly prepare breakfast, which turns out really well today. On the set table, there is also a big birthday cake with 19 candles. Afterwards, we set out to explore some nearby caves by climbing into them. Back in Onewhero, we start preparing the delicious dinner for today, because we are having burgers to celebrate. And these burgers are topped with fried eggs and beetroot, Kiwi style (Kiwi being the residents of New Zealand). The cold beer makes the evening perfect. However, the day takes a slightly emotional turn, as we unfortunately have to cancel our trip to Sydney and Fiji due to the virus, which we were really looking forward to. But even here, we realize that the three of us stick together and are there for each other in every situation.