ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 04.10.2019
Day 34, from Svilengrad to Pomorie near Burgas.
Here in Svilengrad, we needed a new plan for the next few days, as there were no accommodations expected on our route to Burgas. Additionally, the weather forecast for the next few days is often rainy, making camping not a really good option! Furthermore, since the last 2 times camping, the air in my sleeping pad doesn't hold anymore! I had to get up twice during these nights and pump in air again. Now we decided to take the bus to Burgas, as there are many accommodations along the coast, and then walk part of the way to Varna on the Black Sea (about 80 km as the crow flies). We have already booked a return flight to Vienna on October 10, for €90 per person including luggage. I'm curious to see what awaits us here, but we probably already have experienced the greatest adventures 😥! In any case, it will do us good to spend a few days here on the Black Sea 🤗
In the afternoon, we had such heavy rain🌧 that the drainage system couldn't handle the water anymore, see photo.