2nd Act ... Bad Muskau

ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 28.08.2018

Tuesday, 28.8.2018 Görlitz-Bad Muskau

The Obermühle in Görlitz has a special location - not for a mill - but for a hotel, which it is used for today. The sound of the water accompanies us to sleep - like a little Schwellemätteli ...

But the sensation in the early morning is not visible in the picture ... the iPhone can't reach there: Something shimmering, bright blue ... no, two ... move just above the water surface ... they hunt and occasionally fly to the Polish shore. After a while, Verena solves the puzzle: Two kingfishers! So far, I have only seen one in 62 years ... today two more come! And not forgetting a water dipper!

Zmorge and departure then move back to a more normal range. At the beginning, thanks to the moderate speed, you can find cheeky details along the way that are supposed to make you think ... what do these shoes just say.

Görlitz is behind us, the graveyard is still ahead of us ...

So this is what mourning looks like ...

... and this is the famous last journey ...

But it's not that time yet, first comes ...

... the brickworks pond and then ...

... a selfie - fully focused - from the bike path and ...

... a 1st document about the heat-dry summer of 2018 ...

... then comes the sad story with Master Reinecke, the fox - certainly not the fault of a cyclist ...

... and this seemingly endless expanse on well-developed cycle paths - simply a pleasure.

The place names we pass through are: Zodel, Deschka, Nieder-Neundorf, Rothenburg, Lodenau, Steinbach ... and right there is the entrance area of the manor house ...

.... which was destroyed during the last days of the war in 1945.

The Labrador would surely have the task of keeping away foreign photographers from the estate ...

... but first sniff, the visitor seems to like Labradors - so no barking ...

You can imagine that it is simply beautiful to ride through here by bike ...

Wild boars think so too ...

... the tracks are enormous!

A 2nd document about the heat-dry summer of 2018 ...

... a sunflower field was probably planned ...

... withered corn.

Speaking of scarcity - during the GDR era, these pines were tapped to produce a substitute product for varnishes.

They have already survived 30 years 

... after 75km we reach our destination for the day - Bad Muskau ...

The Polish market on the eastern shore - the cheap competition for the German stores ...

... still passing through the Pücklerpark ...

... past the palace ...

... and quickly a detour into the recent past ...
