
Temples Chiang Rai

ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 14.04.2024

Yesterday I visited the 3 Buddhist temples near Chiang Rai.

The first pictures show the "black house" with the stuffed animals. And is supposed to reflect the evil in people.

The pictures with the blue temple are, of course, of the "blue house" and this is supposed to represent heaven.

The "white house" is supposed to represent the soul of man.

I hope today's post was insightful and educational.

After breakfast I go to a theme park here in Chiang Mai. That will probably be my last activity before I head south again on Wednesday morning.

Until the next days👋

ޖަވާބު (3)

Hallo Jens,was für tolle Bilder. Viel Spaß und LG Jasmin

Beneidenswert!! Bist ja voll im Plan! Gut so! Weiterhin alles Gute! LG

Hallo Jens, Tolle Bilder schön das wir an deiner Reise teilhaben dürfen, Freut mich für dich wenn dein Plan aufgeht weiterhin schöne Reise freu mich auf weitere Tolle Bilder gruß Dieter

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