ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 12.10.2023
Today I experienced so many great things again. I definitely have to tell you about this.
So (clears throat): I was on a boat again with my adults. And apart from the three of us, there were only two crew members and Yopi, the diving guide. Crew, I learned, are the people who are there to make sure the boat runs properly and everything goes well. One of them is the captain - the boss, so to speak. Without one of these you absolutely cannot travel around in a boat on the sea!
The plan was that we would look for dolphins before the big two dived! My oldest often sat at the front of the boat and watched. And imagine if I was allowed to sit there and keep an eye out.
At times even the captain himself looked for them:
Where he is standing in the photo is where my oldest sat for a long time. I had the impression that she really liked it. Even if there were no dolphins to be seen.
Then suddenly they were there, the dolphins. They're pretty fast, I tell you. And they really swim very elegantly.
But I wanted to see this up close:
Pretty brave, right?!
Once a mother dolphin and child even came by. You know, the mothers of dolphins take really good care of their babies. Very exemplary!
And I was able to watch them up close. Wow, that might have been cool, I tell you.
Sometimes the sun shone on the water in such a way that it almost looked as if there was an angel in it:
When we didn't find any more dolphins, my two older ones dived around underwater for quite a long time. The big one must have taken a lot of pictures again. I'm curious, I haven't seen them yet.
The two of them are going on the boat again this evening. Imagine if they wanted to dive in the dark! They call it black water diving.
That's totally crazy, isn't it? Who wants to swim or even dive in black water? Even though the pictures in the book look pretty impressive. I'll report back if they looked black afterwards. Or maybe rather pale? We'll find out.
So I'm not going with that anyway. At night I'm still a little scared on the water. I'd rather wait in the room until they get back.
That's it from me for now. See you soon!
Love from Travis the Buddy Bear