ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 10.09.2017
A year has already passed. This year, we are going on a tour of Ireland.
We started at the airport in Düsseldorf. We were shocked to see how long the queues at security checks were. 🙊 Just before boarding, we reached the appropriate gate. Due to the slow checks, our flight was delayed by 40 minutes and we thought we would be late.
Arrival in Dublin:
Instead of the planned transfer to the hotel, we took a city tour. We made a 10-minute photo stop at St. Patrick's Cathedral. I felt like an Asian tourist in fast mode. 😁 For dinner, we had delicious vegan food from Cafe Cornucopla. 👍
We had the best Irish weather throughout the day. ☀️⛅🌦️🌈😊