The Flight of the Hummingbird

ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 09.02.2022

The days passed gently, like the water on the shores of Lake Atitlan. Our hostel Iguana provided all the amenities to enjoy the lake panorama. For meals, snacks, or even coffee and refreshing drinks, there was no need to open your wallet. Just provide the room name and bed number, and the bill would be settled upon check-out. So, one more breakfast and a coffee for 'Kolibri uno', por favor.

On the terrace, I had the opportunity to see the feathered namesake of our seven-bed room in action. Hummingbirds fluttered from flower to flower, fascinating creatures. Swift maneuvers followed by agile turns, similar to a drone. The English term 'humming bird' sounded rather uninspired in comparison.

Other than that, we spent the days visiting different villages along the lake: San Marco, San Pedro, San Juan, Santa Catarina, San Antonio, and others. Although the naming scheme suggested little originality, the places did differ from each other. Sometimes the focus was on yoga, sometimes on art, and another village attracted mainly Israeli expatriates. Our hostel in Santa Cruz offered kayak tours and diving courses.

A second hostel with the peculiar name 'Free Cerveza' specialized in glamorous camping, with luxury tents and biotoilets at above-average prices.

The lake, the boat rides with the water taxi, and the different 'theme' villages felt like a backpacker's playground.

The bill was settled in the end, with a total of about 120 euros per person for the overnight stays, one dinner, one breakfast, and numerous drinks.


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