Besuchen Sie Europa! (solange es noch steht)
Besuchen Sie Europa! (solange es noch steht)

Serbian lap of honor!

ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 03.08.2022

A short visit to Serbia was on the agenda today.

First, along the winding Danube, and then the unworthy traveler discovered something enticingly curvy that of course had to be experienced.

It was impressive what the river stuff there could do.

Neat rocks with faces in them, old huts, and beautiful landscapes made the unnecessarily present visitor frequently bend their finger, therefore there are a few fancy pictures for the esteemed, interested, and intelligent readership to examine!

However, the surprise of the day was reserved for Majdanpek for the uncouth gaijin, who of course didn't know where he was going and as always just followed his bulbous nose.

They extract copper from the area there, and when BOSAMO was just admiring the scenery a bit, he nearly shit his pants because a detonation went off and the gadget for taking pictures almost fell out of his clumsy hands.

It made for a nice picture, at least according to the dim eye of the Fötide!

The Serbian roads were sometimes a bit adventurous, as there were often wonderful asphalt (there wasn't a single flaw along the Danube), which was alternated with brain-rattling bumpy roads, but that increases the excitement a bit, because mindlessly racing around is simply not an option and would likely be rewarded with plastered legs and unhealthy vegetables in the elbow.

Opportunities for plastered transformation are provided by road-loving cattle, as they peacefully and calmly lunch next to the road but happily shit on what makes the asphalt more slippery!

They would be dumb if they spoiled their own food...

Lastly, the gaijin would like to mention some locals as another opportunity for departure, who wonderfully know how to take the curves right in the middle, preferably with some fat SUVs and not just once, but several times throughout the day!

P.S.: If you spot my mistakes, I will send an enraged dog after you!


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