ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 07.04.2023
Diary entry #12,389
Woke up for the sunrise, then had a lovely yoga session. And guess what Svend did? That's right, slept.
At noon, we went to eat at the harbor and snorkled with turtles. Of course, I also had to do an hour of stand-up paddling for free. Great.
In the late afternoon, I treated myself to a massage (rip-off prices, a whole 10€ for 60 minutes).
In the evening, we listened to a really good live musician (he had a massive loop station and was really talented with it), then Svend wanted to party at Tequila Sunrise. However, I left at 11:30. Funny thing was, I was wearing a tank top and still covered in oil from the massage. Oh well.
Also discovered an interesting knowledge about myself.
Photos will be provided later.