Ah, the first year of our relationship

ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 01.05.2024

The nice thing about relationships is that you always have someone to blame when something goes wrong. That's what happened on our first anniversary.

Okay. We got off to a really great start. We got up, had breakfast right above the open sea, had some really good coffee and enjoyed the silence. At 11am our personal taxi driver Valentin came and drove us to Red Frog beach, by boat of course. Unfortunately we didn't see any of the 2cm frogs there, but we enjoyed the incredibly beautiful beach and played a lot with the waves. After 4 hours we headed back, again with Valtin of course. At home I made a fantastic Family Dre coffee, which wakes us up.

We still had energy, so we wanted to go kayaking romantically into the sunset and go snorkeling. The kayak is apparently only designed for one person, so Lina tried many times to sit the wrong way around me. The only position without tipping over. No matter, we only wanted to paddle 2 km. We were so incredibly slow and so unsure that every mini wave almost caused us to capsize. But who needs life jackets anyway? Of course we initially rejected them. We idiots...

We arrived at our beautiful snorkeling spot and started. After a pleasant 15 minutes it suddenly became loud. Very loud... We apparently overlooked the fact that we were at the end/beginning of the small airport. Shit, the things started not even 50 meters in front of us. Get out of there quickly, but against the current with our great paddling technique? Shit, that took a long time. But we made it

In the meantime, I hoisted myself into the water with flippers so that Lina could now take up the comfortable kayak position. As I don't like great depths, things got tricky after 10 minutes. I hung onto the back of the boat to use my flippers to boost the turbo. (If I had sat on it, we would have sunk anyway. 82 kilos of extra weight say hello). There was a small problem, though. I don't like great depths where I can't see the bottom. Lina must have strong nerves to laugh and turn away my big whining. On the way back, I was allowed to look "at the bottom" again. What are the black porcupines called underwater? Not 30 cm away, my leg almost touching it. Oh dear, now I'm panicking. Of course I crawled onto the kayak so that we went back to the accommodation at a slower speed, laughing (one almost crying), extremely wobbly, turning several times. Oh dear, what a mess. At least I didn't take a plane and didn't sink completely.

Btw: my original plan was to paddle with this kayak, two people, about 20 km to Red Frog Beach, where there are dangerous currents and really solid waves. Apparently the daughter of Loch Ness from Scotland, but Lina said I shouldn't always exaggerate. At least in retrospect it was perhaps not the best idea, luckily we had Valentin with a real water taxi.

What a beautiful anniversary.



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