#01 - Melbourne (18.10. - 21.10.16)

ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 28.10.2016

After two quite turbulent flights from Düsseldorf to Hong Kong (4 hours layover) and from Hong Kong to Melbourne, I finally landed safely. Most of the time on the plane, I was fortunately able to kill with the 6th season of Game of Thrones.

Once arrived in Melbourne, the stressful part started... opening a bank account and ordering a debit card, applying for a tax number (in case I should still work here), and buying a SIM card. All not so easy when you don't feel 100% comfortable with the language yet and you're struggling with jet lag.

From my point of view, Melbourne is just a city... not quite what I expected from Australia. Also, I was not well-prepared for 10°C and rain with my clothes, so I quickly booked a flight to Brisbane. Another reason to fly to Brisbane was that Sarah and Max (two friends from university) had just attended a conference there and wanted to explore the area for a few more days.

What I had forgotten in Melbourne, however... was to pick up my debit card...

Hostels: Urban Central Accommodation (-), Melbourne Cental YHA (+)


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