ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 29.07.2023
TCS Camping site Fanel, Gampelen
Site 168 (Van site)
July 29th, Rain, Sunny, Rain
First to the Döschwo World Meeting in Delemont, lunch with Erne.
Afternoon drive to Gampelen
Upon arrival rain, later setting up the tent, thanks to a shattered beer bottle at the pitch, got a voucher for an apéritif
July 30th, rain at night then nice and windy
At 10:00 Roman pick up in Neuchâtel, drive to Noiraigue and hike to Creux du Van
Dinner pizza from the restaurant (without tuna)
July 31st, nice and cloudy
Take the train to Neuchatel, scavenger hunt
Drive up to Chaumont, hike on the Sentiere du Temps back to the NE train station
August 1st, rain
Clean up, breakfast in the camping restaurant, return home