Hessian cycle path R2 Fulda - Gemünden am Main

ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 14.08.2019

Travel guide: 'The Franconian Rhön natural area is located at 300 - 550 meters above sea level...' Which means in cyclist's language: 'no town with more than 1,000 inhabitants, no bakery, no café, few accommodations, and constant ups and downs'. So today we had to ride 92 km just to find a campsite, but it's totally worth it with our tent! The people here are extremely friendly. Thanks to the bridge construction company for the power for our batteries. Tomorrow we can sleep in...

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da hättet Ihr ja mal an der alten Wirkungsstätte Rhön-Park-Hotel vorbeiradeln können... kleiner Umweg, aber schön da :-)

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