ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 09.06.2022
May 31, 2022: Rožaje, Mojkovac, Biogradska National Park
F. Kosovo and Montenegro have two border crossings, of which currently (since 1999) only one is open. The Kulla-Rožaje border crossing is not particularly large. However, the distance between the two border houses is relatively far. When leaving Kosovo, only our passports and car insurance for Kosovo were requested, and when entering Montenegro, a brief look into our van was also made.
In Rožaje, we bought some mobile internet (10€ for 200GB) and then continued driving to Mojkovac. The road mostly followed the Lim River and once again, we had a spectacular view of the river.
In the evening, we found a quiet spot by the Tara River in Mojkovac and shortly after, we were invited to coffee and Raki by two locals who were building a new picnic area not far from us.
The next morning, we went to Biogradska National Park. This park has a large lake in the middle, which we walked around. The 3.5 km long route was not particularly challenging, but there were nice information boards and self-experience activities about flora and fauna in the national park. The special feature of this national park is the particularly thick and old trees.
Day 227 - Total tour 16,937 km
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