
Weight problems...

ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 27.01.2020


Today we are moving again. Adelaide is on the agenda, or rather a visit to Marti, my Australian host mother. So quickly pack our bags again and off to the airport. The plane should have space - so far so good. Boarding is at 12:55 and the flight time is just under 2 hours. Then there is still plenty of time in Adelaide to pick up the rental car, go to the hotel, and freshen up a bit before meeting Marti. But....we have a weight problem....not us, and not our luggage....but the plane..... Is there actually Weight Watchers for airplanes?!? In our case, the lady at the service desk takes care of it, and for us it means we have to take the next flight. It's only 3 hours later. So quickly moved the appointment from 6 pm to 8 pm and then it's time to....wait.

Yippee...boarding starts in 5 minutes, we briskly walk towards the gate...strange...no plane yet....it hasn't landed in Brisbane yet. "Boarding is delayed by 15 minutes" (I think that's very ambitious!) Of course, it didn't work and we take off towards Adelaide with a little delay of an hour. Now it's getting quite tight time-wise...we arrive in front of the hotel at 7:58 pm. Marti is already waiting for us in the lobby. A great reception and a nice reunion after 5 years. Now it's time to set priorities! We get the suitcases into the room, I park the car, and Marti goes to the bar to take care of the chilled drinks. There is a lot to talk about and exchange news. And plans for tomorrow still need to be made....well....not really! Marti already has a plan and all we are expected to do is "just say yes". And that's what we do😊😊😉.


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