16th - 20th August 2020: Bay of Kotor (Montenegro)

ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 20.08.2020

If there is a destination of our trip, it would be something like 'Southeast - let's see how far': So our journey takes us from Dalmatia along the Adriatic coast to the south to Montenegro. The first destination: the Bay of Kotor. The only fjord of the Mediterranean Sea reaches inland like a 'T', where the turquoise blue water is surrounded by huge mountains. Along the coast, a narrow coastal road winds its way through small villages that stretch up the mountain slopes. If we're not already impressed by the panorama, we will be as soon as we reach our apartment near Kotor: with a pool at our doorstep and a large marble terrace overlooking the bay and the mountains, the morning homeschooling with a swim lesson in front is a true pleasure.

After the siesta, we stroll along the coastal road to Kotor, which accelerates our pulse quite a bit with cars passing by closely. But this quickly calms down again in the idyllic old town of Kotor: in small alleys and squares between thick castle walls, cafes and konobas await guests. But due to Corona, there aren't many of them: the few tourists are from Montenegro, some from Serbia and Bosnia, and occasionally a car with a Russian license plate passes us by. The travel warning certainly affects EU tourists. So it is very easy for us to maintain the minimum distances, as we often only drink coffee with two other guests on spacious terraces and are often alone in the shops with hand-painted bowls and knick-knacks.

We definitely see more cats than people, which seem to be the true residents of Kotor: they lie leisurely on the squares and stairs of the old town, enjoy small strokes from the children, but also clearly show their claws when they think it's enough.

After almost three weeks of sunshine on our journey so far, we welcome the rain clouds on the last day, stroll through the warm drops and enjoy the rainbow and the clouds hanging between the mountains, which the evening sun colors in bright colors.

ޖަވާބު (2)

Hallo ihr Lieben, leider habe ich erst jetzt eure Reiseinformatonen gelesen. Technik muss erst gelernt werden. Es ist schön euch auf eurer Reise zu folgen. Die Gegend sieht wunderschön aus. Ich kann mir vorstellen, dass es euch gut gefällt. Seid ganz lieb gegrüßt und weiterhin schöne Erlebnisse. Oma Lenchen

Hallo Ihr 4 lieben Entdecker. Ich hatte auch etwas Mühe mit der Technik um den 2. Beitrag zu lesen. Das ist wunderbar, dass wir Euch so folgen und die schöne Gegend so sehen können. Sicher ist es jetzt im Nationalpark auch sehr schön. Liebe Grüße an Euch vier von Borstel/Opa und Mama/ Omi

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