St Hilarion, scene of murder and lust for power

ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 31.10.2023

In the afternoon we explore St. Hilarion Castle. It was built by the Byzantines in the 11th century after Cyprus was repeatedly attacked by Arabs. It is a huge and well-preserved facility at 732 meters above sea level, which always offers great views and insights. St John's Tower sits at the top. It takes its name from the brother of the then king. When the king died, the queen suspected that his brother John had him murdered in order to gain the throne himself. To prevent this, she spread the rumor that his bodyguards wanted to get John. He then ordered them into the tower and had them thrown down from above - which gave the queen the opportunity to have him killed in turn.


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#byzantiner#hilarion# zypern