Day 2

ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 08.08.2022

I woke up and it was boiling hot on the bus. As clumsy as I am, I chose the seat where the sun grills my bus in the morning. Even though I have a small fan (greetings to my sister Annika, thank you! 😁), I felt like I was in an oven. So I opened the sliding door to let some air in, but it didn't help at all. So I decided to just get up. I poured cereal into the bowl (not Seitenbacher, but Alnatura - highly recommended 👍🏼) and added milk. Delicious!

At exactly 10 o'clock, I arrived at the checkout with my bike, but I was the first one at the lift hehe 😜. Damn, the drag lift. I've never done it with a bike before. But it's easier than you think, except for the exit 😂. That can be a bit panic-inducing. When I reached the top, I was disappointed. The lift didn't go all the way up, so I had to activate my thigh muscles and pedal up the 40 meters (rough estimate). For the first descent, I chose the Blue Line, a narrow bumpy single trail with lots of roots. Once warmed up, I went to the Yellow Viper, an enduro line. And off I went, barely 10 meters into the trail, I was surprised by a drop that almost threw me off my bike 😳. The trail was really awesome, fast sections with root drops and berms. 9/10 (minus 1 point because I stubbed my toe). Lunch was rather meager for me because I didn't feel like cooking. So I quickly chopped up a banana and got back on the bike. At 4 o'clock, it was finally over, I was so exhausted. 🫤

Overall, a cool bike park in a nice location. The rating is okay, leaning towards a 6/10 because of the arduous uphill after the lift.

So I took off my bike gear and put on my Birkenstocks and sweatpants. As a finishing touch to the successful bike day without any falls, a cold beer was a must. To complete the day, I took a shower and made myself knöpfle with bacon and tomatoes.

After that, it was time to hit the hay so that I have something left for the next day 😁.

SONG OF THE DAY: 9 Days by Nils Hoffmann


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