ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 22.07.2021
Continuation to Lom. 40 minutes. New campsite. A bit loud, very basic. Showers only with credit card. Annoying when you're naked under the shower and waiting for water, but the card doesn't work. 😲
Lom is a real tourist destination. Cheers, hustle, pizza, beer. We obediently cooked noodles in Oskar again. The prices in the restaurant are sky-high. We'd rather pepper it ourselves.
This afternoon a short hike up the hill above Lom. Very hot, very steep, but no people. The view is worth seeing. In the distance, the Galdhøpiggen, the highest mountain in Norway.
Tomorrow: either another hike here, or we continue to Geiranger. The weather is supposed to get worse. 😪