06.03.2023 husky project

ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 06.03.2023

I had another day off, I still helped to feed the dogs in the morning and getting them ready for another run.

 Equipping the dogs with their running gear is always fun. The dogs get really pumped up, some even start trembling.

Other dogs cant handle all the excitment so they 'hide' from us, so we cant put on their gear. Then we always need one of the fix caretakers to get them to calm down and slowly put on their stuff.

Each sleigh has running dogs and lead dogs. The lead dogs are in front and listen to direction, speed and stop commands. Lead dogs are smart and good at listening, usually they are not the strongest so in the pack they actually don't have much to say.

Today the guests had a 5hour tour, during which we played and walked with the rest of the dogs. After the tour I overheard one of the guests, Uwe, saying he was going to ice bathe! Which I thought would be fun so asked if I could join.

We walked with everyone who wanted to watch, towards the lake. They opened up the holes which they usually used for fishing. We did rock, paper, scissors and Uwe won so he decided he goes first. 

Johann put a rope around him to pull him out if he went unconscious and we had a snowmobile nearby to quickly get us to the car if necessary.

It actually went quite well, Uwe had no problem staying in the water and getting out again after 10seconds. Which was the maximum amount of time you should stay in the water. 

Then I went in, I had put on my swimming pants and got in the water. I had my arms outside to pull myself up at anytime. But it wasn't as bad as I thought, it was just very cold water. But I don't fully remember it since there was a lot of adreneline and I was just thinking about counting to ten and getting out.

But after I was fully dressed again it felt quite nice. It was refreshing and I felt lighter than before. I would do it again, mostly because I feel like I've forgotten all of it.

The rest of the day I just helped with the dogs, since tomorrow I have dogs anyway.

ޖަވާބު (5)

wauw! super Nick! Ziet er cool uit!

Goedemorgen, Nick, net je verslag van gisteren gelezen je hebt het volgens mij heel druk, maar wel heel leuk. en vooral in dat ijskoude water brrrrrr goed dat je dat gedaan hebt Fijne dag Oma


Balls of Steel!

Wim hof!!!! The icemann!! Gaaf Nick, zo baden in ijswater!! Dat doet zooo goed💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽

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