Tag 100: along the Chinese border

ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 12.06.2018

Today we left Sapa with an uncertain feeling because we really didn't want to deal with rain and cold like on the last trip. Therefore, we didn't set a specific destination for the day and didn't make any reservations for our accommodation to be as flexible as possible. First, we drove down the busy mountain pass road from Sapa to Lao Cai. There, we made a short detour to a border crossing to China. It was a great feeling to stand at a border crossing to China and I would have loved to spend a few more days in China with our motorcycles. After taking photos for about 3/4 of the way (I still don't know if that was allowed), we continued our journey. We drove onto a small road after a short section on the highway, which took us into the hinterland of the border region. There, we drove through numerous remote mountain villages and were lovingly greeted by the children on the roadside. Only a few tourists find their way here, and that's exactly what made the journey so exciting. Towards the end of the day, the road became worse and we took almost an hour to cover the last 20 kilometers. When we arrived at a hotel in the middle of the mountains, we sat on the terrace of our room and enjoyed the view of the mountains. Fortunately, although it sometimes looked like it, it didn't rain at all today.

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