ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 06.07.2018
People, I am more than happy ☺️
I have everything I need and even more.
As always, I approached this phase of life without expectations.
On the first evening here at the hostel, my expectations were exceeded.
There was a Sausage Party that allowed me to meet everyone, the live music revived my New Zealand feeling, and I am just happy to be here. I have one more month here in NZ and already fears, anticipation, and sadness follow me when I think about leaving New Zealand.
Currently, I am working for Andrew and Glenda on a Blueberry Farm. The farm is currently being set up and, in summary, my job is to plant the plants.
I have found my green thumb and the work is just so satisfying.
Since yesterday, we have new coworkers, Bumblebees 🐝, who have caused a stir at work and you occasionally hear hysterical screaming.
Anyway, I really enjoy the job, the cold in the morning is sometimes not so nice, but by noon, I'm all good because of the heat, even in winter.
I am doing well and I hope you are too.
I just love this place!
I love the people, the great conversations, the deep conversations when you find people who think alike, and every single second on the sandy beach filled with shells.