From Flauenskjold to Frederikshavn

ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 09.07.2020

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Today it is quite chilly, a mix of sun, wind, and rain. The 25 km should be a piece of cake. Finally ready to start, a heavy rain starts after a few minutes. Well, what can you do, pedal hard and I'll be through the rain clouds in no time. Today, I couldn't care less about anything. When I sit on the ferry in the evening and enjoy a hot shower, I will have left all of this behind.

Since I am at the harbor very early, I take a look around to see where I can check-in. It is a long journey through the huge harbor area until I find the office. It opens at 9:00 p.m.

I explore the area a bit more and discover a beautiful beach: Palmenstranden. With the cold and the wind, I don't feel like going to the water.

Shortly before 9:00 p.m., I arrive at the harbor to check-in. In front of me stands a red van with a license plate from Mainz. Great, they are Germans. I will make contact right away. It is a very nice family, mother, daughter, and the cute three-year-old granddaughter. They doubt that I will be allowed to enter Norway. After all the rains, it ultimately depends on the customs officer in Oslo. But I'm not going to let that bother me 😊

Now that we hold the tickets for the ship to Oslo without any objections, we are asked to drive to the gate of the ferry. We are not allowed to leave the area until departure.

Oh my goodness! 🙄🙈 Two hours in this windy, miserable cold... this is no longer fun!

But once again, there are angels around me. The lovely family offers me a place in their cozy bus. Time flies by now with talking. I am very happy that we have met.

Finally, it's time to go 😊 We are allowed on the ship. I can put my bicycle, the only one here, in a small corner on the parking deck. Backpack on and into the bunk. It's already midnight and I'm exhausted.

Now I'm curious 😅 I open the cabin and am surprised. It's an outside cabin instead of the booked inside cabin, with 4 beds. And all just for me! Magnificent 🙏😊 After a hot shower, I lie down in the cozy bed. The world is in order again 😊


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