ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 15.09.2022
Done: after about 1590km, we arrived in Lourdes and went straight to the Grotto - a place where heaven and earth touch!
Lourdes welcomed us and shortly after it poured down like cats and dogs - for those who don't remember how that looks like:
The day had started sunny - and of course hilly.
The Pyrenees announced themselves already 80km before the goal:
After some time it became flatter, the agriculture changed from wine to corn, vegetable and salad oil cultivation.
While in our latitudes every farmer has one or two irrigation systems, we could discover farmers here with 6...8 sprinklers. Currently, corn looks like the following here; I think they want to harvest the grain corn as dry as possible.
But that can be quite difficult; something was brewing over the Pyrenees:
The path itself offered variety:
But all the hardships are forgotten when we reached Lourdes tonight.
And of course, we are not alone...