Respect for tent campers

ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 10.08.2023


I am always deeply impressed by the tent campers in GB and other areas that are not necessarily known for stable weather.

With stoic calmness, they set up their tents and unload their cars even in the rain. I greatly admire that, because we were more fair-weather campers with a tent until the caravan came. I remember a stormy autumn in Greece where our tent really got flooded. Until then, everything had worked out like in midsummer, but then it rained again and again. The laundry, of course freshly washed, took 3 days until the sun finally came out and it had a pleasant 24 degrees.

BUT that is nothing compared to the people here who are not bothered by wind and weather. They are not phased by storm gusts of up to 120 km/h, they still cook their pasta on the mini stoves and say that the weather is just a matter of mindset.

Hats off! I really admire that, because wet clothes and a wet dog drive me to despair. I am complaining on a high level because I have heating, a towel warmer, and a solid roof over my head.

I always enjoy the great conversations that develop here!


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