ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 16.11.2022
With electricity back on despite the rain and storm outside we had a lazy start in the day doing some laundry and catching up on some sleep. Just after lunch time the weather was getting better with only little rain, so we were heading of to Port Lincoln National Park. There was still lots of water on the road and the wildflowers next to the street had raindrops on it, but the Pillie Lake in the park was still dry.
We drove directly to Cape Donnington with the Lighthouse at the end of the park. The weather was getting better with no rain left, but the lighthouse and views from Cape Donnington were not so good.
We drove back and went for the detour to the Lone Pine Lookout, where we had some great views on the coastline and some birds, but no dolphins around. We drove on to the Whalers Way Lookout, but there was only road with one lookout open to the public, so after enjoying the view we had to leave again.
On the drive back to Port Lincoln, we also went for a detour to a beach, but to get there we would have to cross sand dunes, so did not go for it. On our way back we were then lucky to see an Emu with at least four chicken running along the highway.
On the drive back into Coffin Bay, we saw the last sunlight before the clouds (and rain, storm, etc.) was starting again. At the local pub it was pretty busy, inside with the locals as well as the locals on the grass in front of the pub.
In the evening it started again with rain, hail, lightning etc. and did not stop overnight. So we only went out to visit the local Coffin Bay market to get some cake and rolls for lunch, but otherwise Stuart decided it is too windy & wet & cold to be outside.