ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 03.10.2022
Now it is time to explore the Karijini National Park itself. We start at the eastern end, because it is further to drive from Tom Price than the western part. First stop is at the Circular Pool. On the way the pigeons are very used to seeing people and not flying away. The walk to the Circular Pool is closed as the walkway down is damaged, so we can only have a look at the pool from the lookout.
A little bit further is the the Three Ways Lookout, where you can see 3 gorges coming together. Stuart enjoyed the view on the gorges and not having to walk down and up again into theses gorges.
On the other end of the gorge is the Fortescue Fall Lookout down on the Fortescue Fall. This walk is not closed, so we make our way down the stairs to the Fortescue Fall. There is swimming possible at the Fortescue Fall, but we decided to first move on to the Fern Pool to see where it will be nicer to swim. The way to the Fern Pool is a lot shorter and easier than the description made us assume. So, at first a (short) swim in the Fern Pool - very cold - before warming up in the sun and walking back to the Fortescue Fall for another swim. Both pools are very cold to swim, but have amazing views once you´re in the water - the access into Fern Pool is easier due a ladder provided, while for Fortescue Fall Pool you need so slide over slippery rocks with water shoes...
On the walks to the different lookouts and pools we saw quite a few wildflowers still with nice blossoms. To finish the lovely day, Stuart enjoyed some scone with jam and cream from the local bakery, but did not want to share it with the Galah coming very close.