2 ވަނަ ދުވަސް - ޕްރާއޯ އިން ހޫއަށް ސައިކަލުގައި

ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 07.07.2023

After breakfast, we started the second day of our motorcycle tour. We rode from Prao to Hue. Riding a motorcycle is something wonderful for us, because it gives us a feeling of freedom. The total distance was 165 km and the nature in the mountains was very beautiful. We made many stops along the way, so we didn't arrive at the hotel until 6 pm - the shower was calling 😅.

In the morning, we followed the Ho Chi Minh Trail. This is a former smuggling trail that was developed by the Americans during the Vietnam War. It played a significant role in the war and passes by many former battlefields. This road is the reason why the Vietnamese flag has its colors. A lot of blood was shed along the road, and it was mostly built by Vietnamese workers. So the flag symbolizes the blood and the yellow skin color. The tours with Dung are always exciting and we learn a lot!

In the region around Prao, cinnamon is grown. We visited this cultivation. Dung cut a piece of bark from a Ceylon cinnamon tree with a big knife. Then we stood in a circle and chewed on the bark 😄. After that, we escaped the high temperatures by bathing in a mountain river. But before we could swim, we had to climb over a few rocks. The bathing in the cold water felt sooo good. Dung wouldn't be Dung if he didn't have anything to explain about the places we visit. And so he told us that the locals have laid pipes by hand to use the water as drinking water. It's exactly these explanations, this background knowledge, and the visits to various businesses that make the tour with Dung so unique and lively. Dung loves his country and his job, and he embodies that.

In the course of the morning, we visited two villages, each with only a few families. One of the villages is known for ginger cultivation. Of course, we looked at this cultivation and the plants. The second village is known for its handmade weaving pieces. Here, we were even invited by the residents into a hut for a glass of water and were allowed to see how the weaving is done. The hospitality and warmth of the people towards us strangers is really impressive. Everywhere we are welcome, we are warmly received, and despite the language barriers there is always something to laugh about. Madlin is often touched by the women, often by the older ones, because of her fair skin, but it is not uncomfortable or invasive. The children often want to impress us with their 'English skills' and 'throw out' all the words they know. For example, we were greeted in a village by a boy with the words 'F**k you' and 'I love you' 😂. The children have picked this up somewhere and often don't even know what they are saying. We can tell by the fact that they don't answer us when we ask a question or simply run away when we say something to them.

The locals who have invited us into their huts for tea or water live very simply. Often, a hut is just one room where cooking and living take place. There is an open fireplace, which sometimes smells smoky. It is always very clean and tidy. If you now think that it's because we are coming, you are wrong. Dung spontaneously stops on the way and takes us into the village. Although these people often have very little, they are happy. Such visits ground us and remind us how lucky we are.

After lunch, we left the mountains and drove to the old imperial city of Hue. We were already here five years ago for a short period of time. During a short break by the roadside, we met people from a small village. They were traveling in a car with seven seats, with fifteen people inside, and took some pictures with us.

As the conclusion of the day tour, we visited the tomb of Minh Mang. One of the many royal tombs around the city.


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