ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 19.02.2018
Hello and a big 'sorry' for not having contacted you for so long. I am still in Auckland and have used the time here to plan my further stay and to work on a mammoth project that I brought with me from home as a souvenir. I will tell you more about it soon, but only when I can finally send it back to Germany with a clear conscience. 😊
By the way, on the 18th of February this little mouse turned one year old! 😍
Although I have been very busy the last few days, I have tried to see something different from the city every day. I was in the pedestrian zone, in parks (with super beautiful trees!!!), at the harbor and at the university.
Overall, my positive impression of Auckland has actually only been confirmed, I still feel comfortable here and enjoy sleeping in the same bed for a few nights in a row. 😄👍🏻
Another advantage of not traveling around is that I can finally shop properly. I haven't had vegetables for sooo long!
By the way, my next route looks as follows:
On Wednesday evening, I will take the bus to Rotorua, where I will meet people I met in Australia. They have rented a car in which I am allowed to ride along. Together we will explore Rotorua, Lake Taupo, Turangi and Tongariro National Park before we part ways again and I will meet Sina in Wellington. I will also contact you more regularly from now on, promised! 😊
Best regards! ♥️