Wilderness 23.02.2018

ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 04.03.2018

Beautiful little place, right on the beach. Great hostel with ocean view from the bed. Unfortunately not suitable for surfing, so I only stayed for one night and continued to Cape Town the next day.

But breakfast was another highlight. Dolphins in the water - very many and for a long time ;)


ދެކުނު އެފްރިކާ އެވެ
ދަތުރު ރިޕޯޓްތައް ދެކުނު އެފްރިކާ އެވެ

އިތުރު ޓްރެވަލް ރިޕޯޓްތައް