japan<-->deutschland auf bald
japan<-->deutschland auf bald

To the Countryside

ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 18.11.2024

Start in Kumagaya, some locals say it is the hottest city.

It was a very sunny day, so warm that I had a sunburn by the evening.

I continued from downtown past sports facilities where football and mainly baseball are played.

I kept walking until it became more rural from the streets. Many farmers were on their rice fields or other vegetables, spinach, cabbage, papaya trees, oranges, and lemons.

In the middle, there was a Buddhist temple; two days earlier, there would have been a festival.

It was very nice to walk through the fields; for the first time, an elderly lady greeted me, and we exchanged a few words in Japanese, and then I went back to the hotel after having walked 20 km that day.


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