ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 12.07.2019
Tuesday 09/04
!! Birthday-Time !!
Waking up at a decent rest area on the way back to the east coast, we first had a nice coffee at sunrise. We continued to the Wollomombi Falls, small waterfalls that we would recommend. After a short hike, we had lunch at the BBQ area and enjoyed a cold beer. The day before, we booked a cabin at the Armidale Tourist Park, which was definitely worth it. In the afternoon, a storm approached the city, and we were protected and able to relax.
After shopping at the shopping center, we also had a birthday cake. I LOOOOOVE strawberries.
On the occasion of the full quarter-century, we had dinner in an Asian restaurant in the evening and enjoyed the culinary evening.
Wednesday 10/04
On Wednesday, after having a good rest, we headed to the Ebor Falls.
We also visited the Dangar Falls, where I had been with Carina before.
We finally set up our tent near Bellingen at the football club house and slept protected under a canopy.
Thursday 11/04
Off to Coffs Harbour: Having breakfast right on the beach, shopping, new hiking shoes for Barbara, unfortunately no more chill pants for me in the Puschkar store... :(
We also passed by the BIG BANANA, a children's amusement park, but it's not to our taste.
We then headed to Glenreagh, as we had arranged to meet Pedee and Petra the next day. In Glenreagh, there was still the huge bat colony that had taken over several trees.