“Mexico City“

ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 28.07.2017

tacos. mercado de san juan. bosque de chapultepec. potholes. chaotic traffic. whistling policemen. coffee roastery. heavy rain. street musicians. 18 km with flip-flops = black feet. Mexican street food. over 100 grandmas lovingly pushed through the city. leaning buildings. abundance of policemen. observation platform on the 35th floor not reached due to nausea on the 9th floor (torre latinoamericana)

ޖަވާބު (1)

na grüß gott..das sind mal heftige und beeindruckende eindrücke😬😉..aber sehr coole fotos!!!💚

އިތުރު ޓްރެވަލް ރިޕޯޓްތައް