Seven Sisters

ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 02.08.2017

02/08, 10:00 PM:

Best regards from Brighton again!

There is not much new to report, but there are beautiful photos:

While the weather has been very changeable and rainy lately, I have been focusing on the nice/sunny days and I have been quite successful in the past few days. I borrowed more tennis rackets and participated in training again on Monday - finally in good weather. If the weather continues to cooperate before I have to return the rackets on Sunday, I will probably buy one!

But what was even more special was my trip to the so-called 'Seven Sisters', which are located near Eastbourne. This is a cliff coast or limestone/chalk cliff directly on the beach! This coast is called Seven Sisters either because there are 8 elevations and thus 7 dips or because according to stories, originally only 7 peaks existed and the eighth one formed after the name was given. Historians on site told me that they are not certain about it. But that's not so important, because what is really important is that it is a truly beautiful place!😎

Originally, I wanted to make the one-hour journey on Saturday, but the rain ruined it. Since I knew that my French colleague Lea also wanted to visit the Seven Sisters, we spontaneously decided on Sunday morning to go together, which made the bus ride not so boring. Those who know me know how much I love riding the bus... 

Arriving at Seven Sisters Park, you could choose from various hiking trails through a truly beautiful landscape (suddenly no more big city feeling) towards the cliffs. It took us about 20 minutes to reach the beach - unfortunately, I don't know how long the other hiking trails were... 

We were wrong in assuming that we could reach the first elevation in a few minutes and that it wouldn't be so strenuous, but the view and the weather made up for it. We also climbed the second peak and took great photos, which you can see attached!😊 

This Sunday afternoon was really worth it and brings a great change to the city life of Brighton. Since Eastbourne is not too far from the Seven Sisters, I might also go there as long as the weather allows it in the last remaining 1.5 weeks.

For this weekend, the football match here at the American Express Stadium is planned for Sunday, for which I have ordered a Brighton & Hove jersey, which will surely be a great souvenir - there will be a picture of it when I have it!😋

As mentioned before, I will only be staying here for 1.5 more weeks and time is flying by. Somehow, everyday life has set in and everything goes faster than you think. It's a shame that the weather doesn't allow for beach days at the moment and that I still haven't seen EVERYTHING in Brighton - probably because it's not even possible. On the other hand, I'm also looking forward to coming home soon to see my family, friends, my 'actual' colleagues, the sandy tennis court, and dear Isabell again!😊

Best regards and see you soon!😊
