ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 09.04.2024
I set off from Siegen at around 11 a.m. in the rain. On the way, I thought about stopping off in Hattingen . I found out about it through the program "Wunderschön". However, I had expected more from the place. But hey, everything is different when it rains. I made my next stop in Emmerich . I really liked Emmerich on my last visit a few years ago. Today, I can't find anything nice here either, fill up the tank before I get to Holland and drive through to Deventer. The first campsite I head for is on a farm outside of Deventer. I keep looking and decide to take the city campsite. A good idea. That way I can take the ferry to the city center in two minutes for €1.80 there and back. Unfortunately, my friend from Deventer from my youth isn't spontaneous enough to meet up with me the next day. Too bad, next time then. I go out for a pizza, drink two glasses of red wine and look forward to the first night 🤗