Toronto - First impressions

ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 29.09.2018

On my first day in Toronto, I almost walked the entire city. Now my feet hurt really badly! These are some first impressions, yet there are more to come. So, check this out again in a few days ;-)

Toronto is a city of neighborhoods, each with its own diverse character. I tried to capture some of them to give you an idea.

ޖަވާބު (3)

Welcome back to North America! Toronto is truly special and we're happy you are exploring it in detail (much more than we ever did!). ...looking forward to lots of pics. and of course, your impressions!

in some way Toronto reminds me of NYC, maybe because of all the skyscrapers hahaha...

LBGTI diversity. Gelebte Vielfalt. Genieße es♥️👍 Tantchen

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