ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 11.09.2023
huelva people,
(Hehe, nice pun, right?)
Here is the report about the coastal town that I visited before I actually went to Portugal. I was here on a Sunday. This means that the parking spaces in the city center are both free and free, but it also means that the shops are closed and the city center is not quite as full. Personally, I found it quite refreshing. At the same time as me there was a whole horde of motorcycles that loudly rolled through the streets, bike by bike.
The tour started with a church. I write and say that I don't want to look at churches anymore, but somehow they still remain interesting enough for me to look at them.
Then I wandered around the city center and saw the following:
As you can probably tell from my report, this city didn't really blow me away. Especially when I compare this city with the ones I have seen so far.
Probably the most positive thing about the city was a cheap gas station before the Portuguese border, which I also used to wash my vehicle(s). After so much sand and nature and currently around 4200 kilometers (and around 2200 km after the last wash) it was really necessary.
With this conclusion I will end this article because I can't say anything else.
Off to Portugal!
Your Britta