ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 26.03.2019
An America visit without a shopping tour is definitely not a proper stay. After getting a bit too much sun in the past few days, today was all about hardcore shopping.
We aimed for the Ellington Premium Outlet Center a little further north. Shopping in dreamy sunshine surrounded by palm trees has its own flair.
In the search for a cool sunglasses for Sascha, we were able to make a few bargains on T-shirts as well. The first attempts with sunglasses didn't look very promising yet, but it was funny 😁
What do you think? Pimp style, only missing the gold chain, the Rolex, and the ponytail.... Brrrrr... 😱
Even a pair of shoes had its own unique style...
We also discovered a Cold Stone ice cream shop. I fell in love with their ice cream in New York. Fantastic concept: Just choose one or more ice cream flavors and then you can also choose any toppings you want. My choice: gummy bears and Twix. Absolutely amazing!!!
Lastly, we found the perfect bitch sunglasses for Sascha.
Looks great on him, doesn't it? Finally, he has a proper pair of sunglasses again!
We ended the exhausting day with a dip in the pool, ravioli in pesto sauce, and a nice glass of wine.