ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 14.10.2019
After checking out, we all walked to Wharf 3 at Circular Quay and enjoyed the beautiful views of Sydney during the ferry ride to Manly Beach. At MANLY BEACH, there was the opportunity to refresh in the water, play a game of football on the beach, have some fish and chips, or catch up on the lack of sleep from the previous night. Alternatively, you could also take a stroll through the town center and the shops. On the way back, we were lucky enough to see a school of dolphins swimming parallel to our ferry 😍. Upon entering the harbor of Sydney, we once again had a breathtaking panoramic and picturesque perspective - now from a completely different angle - of the city's sights.
In the last two hours, we even had a traditional TEA TIME.